viernes, septiembre 10, 2010

What an incomparable sacrifice!

God, in His infinite mercy, chose us before the foundation of the world to be His children, His redeemed people and His church!
How great it is to acknowledge that we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, that the grace of God poured into our lives is enough so that through faith we are saved from the wrath, through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus who came once and forever to heaven itself to mediate between us and God and bring salvation to our souls!
Because of this glorious Cross, where he died being the Son of God, we can say “Abba Father”. We have been reconciled with God, there is hope and certainty that we shall see Him face to face. This is the reason why we gather to give Him glory whenever we can, and the reason why we should live our entire lives in a worship mode because absolutely everything is for the glory of God. Let us continually give glory to the only worthy of receiving it!
With this blog I want to share a great passion that God has placed in my heart to motivate others to God's supremacy in all things is a reality and reason by which we move, say and act! Let God be exalted! That glorious Jesus not only died but rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God and He is always interceding for us before the Father. We are justified…all of grace. He is a righteous, He made it possible, and I owe him my entire life!